Joseph Courtemanche

About Joseph Courtemanche

I'm a conservative Christian author who's been happily married for over 30 years. I am a Veteran of the United States Navy, Naval Security Group. I speak a few languages, I have an absurd sense of humor and I'm proud to be an American.

The Snap Of The Last Piece Of Tape Broke Her Heart: A New Flash Fiction Piece.

First, a reminder that we’ve come a long way around here since this blog started, and I’m immensely thankful for that climb up the mountain. If you’re in the upper reaches of the central part of the country (Wisconsin, Minnesota, … Continue reading

Christian Arts Festival: Upper Midwest Must Do! @ACMArtsFestival Share This On Facebook & Twitter

There is a point in blogging where you have to stop and smell the shill. If you spend all of your time talking about your movie, audio book, novel, magazine article, and home-health care sanitary wipe line, you lose your … Continue reading

Whew! Glad We Vetted Trump’s Wife Early On.

Given the fact that Melania Trump possibly cribbed a few innocuous lines from a speech, I’m utterly refusing to vote for her for First Lady. I promise on my immortal soul, I will not vote for her. Please follow me … Continue reading

Nuke ’em, France

I know the French have tactical nuclear weapons. Plenty of low-yield items out there that are available for general use in desert climates. Now, more than ever, is the time to nuke some assorted targets in sandy places. Time to … Continue reading