A year ago I wrote extensively about my dog Maisie and her last week with us. She was my girl in so many ways, and a complete sponge for affection. Her place in my heart is secured for eternity. Sickly … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Yes, you read that correctly. Amish Vampires in Space. It’s a book by Kerry Nietz. Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget to subscribe (the box is on the right side of the page) … Continue reading
Some things you do as Santa are so utterly delightful that you can’t wait to schedule them for the coming year. Some events as Santa are so heart-melting that you have to steel yourself in advance. Some events are the … Continue reading
Much has been said in the past few years about Facebook bringing people together who had been lost to each other for a long time. Sometimes it brings people together who’d never met. Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” … Continue reading
John Steinbeck was one of my favorite authors when I was younger. There is an elegance and edge to his style that no other author has even come close to in my life. I’ve visited Cannery Row. I’ve travelled the … Continue reading