I get the feeling that I’m the only one who watches the whole video when people post the latest “Brutal cop beats upstanding minority scholarship winner/grandmother/wheelchair bound disabled vet/paralyzed sheep dog” videos on the web, particularly Facebook. Please follow me … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2014
I am an outspoken advocate of dealing with sexual predators in ruthless ways. Those who rape, and molest, are the lowest forms of life on the planet in my opinion. Nothing can be stolen from you with more devastating impact … Continue reading
Seems that the blog is no longer the eye-catching mother of all inventions that I’d hoped it would be when I put it up a few years ago. Consequently we will be exploring some new headers over the next month … Continue reading
I’m not very attentive to much of what happens on Facebook, I generally look at the pretty pictures and wander on to the next post about puppies or beheadings. (Yeah, seems to be the two top topics today. Weird, eh?) … Continue reading
My regular readers will attest to the fact that I am not a grammar Nazi. I’m not even a grammar facist. I’m not sure I know enough to get in trouble with grammar. Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” … Continue reading