Silence Is Toxic: Sexual Predators Thrive On Silence.

I am an outspoken advocate of dealing with sexual predators in ruthless ways. Those who rape, and molest, are the lowest forms of life on the planet in my opinion. Nothing can be stolen from you with more devastating impact than the ability to control your own body. It steals childhood from children, they joy of sexual intimacy from adults, and dignity from all the victims. It is not their fault but they pay the price.

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I happened across this video on Facebook, and then tracked it to His name is Scott Spideralamode according to his various social media accounts. I have a hunch he’s for real. I’m sure he’s had a rough go since doing this video. Not because it was a bad thing, but revealing a secret like this is shattering in so many ways. Please watch the video and then we’ll resume.

Amazing, eh? Stuff like that never happens to tough guys (wrong!) I’ve never been molested or raped. But I’m close to several people who have been assaulted and had parts of their lives stolen from them. The thing I’ve found is that each of them told me about it in the hope that I wouldn’t judge them, or be mad, or disown them as a part of my life. I can’t say that I’ve always taken the news well. A few times it laid me low.

But both of us, the abused and the listener, grew stronger as a result of that shared secret. I know for a fact that getting it out in the sunlight where disinfection can begin has helped a few of them. A few still keep it a dark part of their lives, known only to a very select few friends. I have found that those people are troubled by it and poisoned by it far more than those who are open about it.

I know that when some read this blog they will think I’m talking about them. Perhaps. But does it matter? I hope not, except that if they are still harboring the secret they will open up and give it some air. Many whom I’ve never met will fall into this category. If you’d like to anonymously share your story, I’ll compile a collection and tell your story – no names, no email, nothing. Just email me the story at headdoofus AT commotioninthepews DOT com (Yeah, you have to “do the math” or the web bots spam me senseless.) It might be the first step in freeing yourself, just like Spider, from the poison of being a victim. All I ask is that you present it in a way that I can print the story on a family/public blog.

You are not alone. You are not responsible. You are loved. I’m offering some sunshine to help heal wounds. Please consider it if you would.

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