First, thank you for helping. It’s not easy being a new author, and your help means the difference between selling 300 books and selling 3,000 books. I like the second number better.
I’ll make it very easy with a sample post for Facebook (No, you can’t steal it word-for-word! You’re all creative, mix it up a bit!):
My friend Joseph Courtemanche has written an award winning novel, Assault on Saint Agnes. It’s on sale now. I loved the book and hope you will as well. Here’s a link to purchase the book:
See how easy that really is?
Here’s a JPG file you can copy of the cover:
And, of course, my mugshot:
It helps a lot if you talk about how you enjoyed the book on your Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads accounts. Your chatting, even for a paragraph, about this great book you read, will let others know that someone they trust liked the book. If you’d be so kind as to include this link: You have to have a membership to each site to review a book, but it is free. It does, however, take a day to set it up and have it go live. Please do that right away and review the book before you move on with life. I personally write one review and cut and paste it on all three sites. Easy to do, lets others know how you feel, helps me as an author.
Word of mouth. Tell your friends and coworkers about my book. Ask your local library to put it in their circulation. Ask local book stores if they stock it. Enough of those little bits add up to some real numbers very quickly.
Last, give lots of copies as gifts. Everyone who can read needs one. That’s what my mom says. Who am I to argue.
Thank you for helping me with my book! If you’d like to send me an email telling me how you helped to promote Assault on Saint Agnes, please include your name and address. Random emails will win a prize. Yes, I truly value your help.
Joseph Courtemanche