Cutting directly to the chase, go see I Can Only Imagine tonight. It won’t be in theaters for long, don’t miss your chance. Recently, my wife and I saw two movies. The first was an action movie. I watched the … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Once upon a time, in my youth, we had an expression in the intelligence world: “W.A.G. it.” It meant Wild Assed Guess. (Sorry if that offends, but the context is important) “Wagging” was used when you had a minimum amount … Continue reading
I love the fact that I can watch the White House press briefing on the internet. It gives me an opportunity to work on my language skills and fully appreciate just how smart my dog, Stormy, really is. Because, after … Continue reading
On February 28th, I posted a blog that contained the following paragraph: I have been criticized for my commentary on bravery with regard to the Florida shootings on Valentines Day. I know a lot of very brave law enforcement officers. … Continue reading
UPDATE: 03/23/2018 I changed the zip-code to 55101. My apologies for any inconvenience this caused anyone. My wife, who is the most wonderful person I’ve ever been married to in my life (*old joke, probably get me in trouble*) has … Continue reading