Let me begin with an apology for no posts in over a week. To be frank, I was in “stumble-home” mode after the Santa season wrapped up. I finished out my year working an early shift to cover for a … Continue reading
Tag Archives: turkey
There is a point in blogging where you have to stop and smell the shill. If you spend all of your time talking about your movie, audio book, novel, magazine article, and home-health care sanitary wipe line, you lose your … Continue reading
Let’s talk about chemical weaponry. It’s prominently in the news today with all that’s going on in Syria and some of our esteemed leadership is itching to get involved in the fray. Some chemical weapons are blistering agents. These, like … Continue reading
Thanksgiving is gone, Santa kicks it into high gear tomorrow. But the day just passed needs to be discussed a bit. First, the guacamole: My wife and I have done a lot of things over the years to celebrate Thanksgiving. … Continue reading