If you are a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of the most power-driven woman in history, one who throws subordinates under the bus, leaves good men to die in Benghazi (she did, in her defense, have help from Obama), and who has been … Continue reading
Tag Archives: useful idiots
Mr. Trump: I wanted to write this letter before I cast my vote tomorrow. It’s been a long election season, and as a nation it’s been rough. I didn’t want to miss this final chance to get your attention as … Continue reading
This week I’ve been using flash fiction as a tool in the blog. It proves two things: I can write fiction outside my genre and do it justice, and I can teach without using a big stick. I’m sure you’ve … Continue reading
A question arose in the wake of my blog on Wednesday: How can you be a Christian and demean other believers (Islamic) for their faith? Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget to subscribe … Continue reading