I watched the Pentagon briefing the other day and couldn’t decide if I wanted to laugh, throw stuff at the screen, or mock the imbeciles in the press. I have now made up my mind and the first two choices … Continue reading
Category Archives: benghazi
This is my post from yesterday, 9/11, on Facebook. I was surprised when one of my readers, a fine person whom I know personally, asked “…But how do we balance that with compassion for the good folks here.. It gets … Continue reading
This week I’ve been using flash fiction as a tool in the blog. It proves two things: I can write fiction outside my genre and do it justice, and I can teach without using a big stick. I’m sure you’ve … Continue reading
For those of you who don’t want to participate in political discussions, or are such special snowflakes that you might melt in the face of strong opinion, this may be the week for you to head over to the Huffington … Continue reading
For those of you who don’t want to participate in political discussions, or are such special snowflakes that you might melt in the face of strong opinion, this may be the week for you to head over to the Huffington … Continue reading