Fly The Friendly…Never Mind. Instead: Drag Your Butt Offa My Plane.

Overbooking is a way of life in the hotel and airline industries. Statistically, it’s about 100% sure that not everyone who has a reservation will show up. Empty rooms and empty seats mean potential revenue lost. Do that often enough … Continue reading

The Oath Never Expires.

One of the things that most veterans agree on, is that the oath of office/enlistment never expires. I remember mine, and it didn’t have any clause that said, “And this commitment expires five years from today unless you re-enlist.” That’s … Continue reading

Cheese Sandwiches, Chili, Blankets, And Love.

Everyone has their own rituals/traditions for holidays that they celebrate. I mark some events with dinner at a restaurant my wife loves. Others are spent with family (Hi Bob & Pat & Pam) who have taken good care of my … Continue reading

Throwaway Time Changes Lives

Take a moment, please, and reflect on the last selfless thing that you did for someone. Can’t remember, eh? Probably humble. Or down on yourself and forgot on purpose. Possibly, but unlikely, you’ve never done anything selfless. I hope that … Continue reading

In My Universe, There’s Two Kinds Of Families.

That’s a gross oversimplification. There are a whole lot between the polar opposites I’m about to address. But we’re not grading on a curve here, just talking about a bit of a revelation I had this weekend on Facebook. Please … Continue reading