Contest Reminder – Giving Away a Famous Dave’s Cookbook!

Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook

But first, If you are a subscriber to the blog you are eligible to win a copy of Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook. So hit the subscription box on the right and say a prayer! The contest closes at 0800 on the 27th of June. Winners will by by random drawing.

After promoting this all week I had to go there and have some. Thus follows some essential Barbecue porkography! Continue reading

Too Close to the Bone.

First of all, I’m saddened by the loss of Vince Flynn. Please say a prayer for his family today.

Of all the modern writers, I enjoyed his books the most. Philosophically, emotionally, and in terms of how I’d like to write, Vince Flynn was my favorite. I said it yesterday on Facebook – I’d be happy to be 1/4 of the writer Mr. Flynn was on any day.

Today’s topic is – well, watch the video below and then I’ll have some commentary.

Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook

But first, If you are a subscriber to the blog you are eligible to win a copy of Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook. So hit the subscription box on the right and say a prayer! The contest closes at 0800 on the 27th of June. Winners will by by random drawing.

Some Christians are obsessed with whether or not a blog/book/recording/movie/piece of art is “Christian” and thus acceptable. I’m not a huge supporter of that philosophy. I think there are all sorts of truly wonderful things out there that don’t have the “Christian” label on them but still glorify God. I’ve heard secular artists as diverse as U2 and Elvis Presley singing on Christian radio stations. Yup, even Elvis and Bono.

The point I’m trying to make is that you can enjoy things without looking for the equivalent of a Kosher seal on them. The video above does an excellent job of making the point for me.

I’m a big fan of Christian entertainment. But it won’t cause your eternal damnation to read the latest Reacher novel, or watch Longmire on A&E. You might even have a good time listening to Toby Keith! If you are living your life the right way, you can glean good things from almost anything you run across. Even evil.

Yes, knowing what the enemy is up to is important to us as Christians. We need to have the knowledge and power that comes from being aware of our surroundings. Without studying evil and its impact on those around us, how could we possibly guard against it in our own lives? This is not to say that Toby Keith is evil, but even a rowdy song from my favorite singer does me a bit of good from time to time. I try to live the Christian life, but if I hear him singing “Angry American” I’m not going to shrivel up and blow away.

Am I advocating sin, lust and greed? Nope. But as much as I’d like to say Christian entertainment does it all for me, it doesn’t. Some topics just don’t get covered in our genre. And since I like straight up history, biographies, and current events with some political commentary I do go outside the zone on a regular basis.

My message here, after a laborious and tortured trip, is that you need to occasionally take a deep breath, remember that doing right is the goal, and not lose your mind if something “in the world” catches your attention. The young men in the video figured that one out early on in their lives. Why does it take so long for some of the rest of us to figure that one out for ourselves?

As long as you’re still here, trot on over and subscribe to have a chance at winning Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook. And, while you’re at it – Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.

That Little Metal Box

This morning I was watching some dreck on the DVR and realized my friend Stormy was giving me the look of a hunted animal. I left what I was doing and laid down next to her on the floor. It was time for a bit of snuggling. She’s still not at ease with me and I’m trying to deepen those bonds.

As I stretched out on the floor next to her it dawned on me that it was a unique perspective on the dining room. I spent some time rubbing her sides and getting dozy. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an old metal box on the radiator.

The Box

I dismissed it at first, been in that box a million times. But something made me get up and open it again. I’m glad I did.

That box holds the first 5 years of my married life in it, and my entire navy career. I got it when I was a student at DLI and stuffed “things” into it as they came in to my life.

The inventory includes a bunch of snapshots of a 24 year old kid and his girlfriend. They were both skinny, tan, and good looking. I think of myself as Santa these days, but once upon a time I was a young sailor with about 5% body fat (right after basic training) and a pair of shades. They went with the smoke hanging out of my mouth. I’d forgotten what she looked like back then as well. No wonder I fell so crazy in love with that girl.

There were also belt buckles from a few of the submarines I rode. Good memories of those boats, the missions, and the people I served with on those runs.

I also found my original neckerchief. The one that draped around my neck when I was wearing my dress uniform. The one I got married in and stood my first inspections wearing it in defiance of uniform regulations. I never retied it once I got it right. I put twister seals on the back of it so it wouldn’t come undone and cherished it every time I pulled it out of the bag.

There was also a row or two of ribbons from my uniform. I thought I’d lost those. And my Expert Marksman medal.

And a pair of dolphins. I never earned them, never wore them, but Doc on my first boat gave them to me and made me promise that if I did earn them I’d wear this pair.

A few snapshots of my dog, my mom and my new wife hanging out in California, some old postcards, and a sense of history.

I remember some of the thoughts in my mind back then. And I marvel at what I looked like at 24.

And I’m so glad I’m not that kid anymore. Still have the beautiful wife, Mom is still with us, and I’m blessed to have been Saved.

Interview with “Famous Dave” Anderson – Subscribers Can Win His Book!

This is an interview I did (in writing) with Famous Dave Anderson recently. I was asked to do some minor consulting for a venture of his and asked for an interview as my fee. I submitted the questions and he graciously sent back his answers in writing. I’ve edited them for space. And a warning – Dave has some tongue-in-cheek answers to the questions – He’s not talking theology, he’s talking barbecue! So take it easy and laugh along.

If you are a subscriber to the blog you are eligible to win a copy of Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook. So hit the subscription box on the right and say a prayer!

Famous Dave’s new cookbook: Famous Dave’s Barbecue Party Cookbook

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Famous Dave’s Cookbook Giveaway Contest Starts Today!

Famous Dave’s new cookbook

I’ve been harping for weeks about subscribing to this little electronic rag and it’s starting to pay off. Now I’m going to reward you for your loyal following.

I’ll be giving away an autographed copy of Famous Dave’s new cookbook in 10 days. The contest starts right this moment. Just subscribe to the blog (the box is on the right column near the top) to be eligible. Here’s the thing about subscription – I’m going to use it for two things: giving away free stuff and giving away more free stuff. I will not sell the list to anyone, I will not spam you, I will be a good boy. When you subscribe you have to respond to an email verifying that you want to subscribe. You will then get the blog via email when it’s updated (usually later in the day.)

All of the contests from now on will be for subscribers only. Again, I’m not selling that list to anyone. It’s just for goodies for you. And, of course, your updated blog post via email.

Tomorrow I’ll be publishing the interview with Famous Dave himself. I was asked to consult for his business (on a specialized topic – no taste testing involved) a while back and this is my “payment” for my time – a pretty good interview and some frank answers from a guy who’s been a lot of places in this life. He’s also pretty darned funny. I submitted the questions and he responded in writing. I thank Dave for his time and the fact that he’ll autograph a book to the specifications of the winner.

So, trot on over and subscribe. And, while you’re at it – Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.