Sponsorship Sunday – Week Seven – Schneider

Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.

During my trip to Haiti in February of 2013 I had the pleasure of getting to know the people of Healing Haiti. Part of their mission there is an orphanage known as Grace Village. It is my pleasure to present one of the children from Grace Village each week to my readership in the hope that you will take them into your heart and sponsor their care and education.

This week’s child is: Schneider


Schneider wants to be an engineer when he grows up so he works hard in school, particularly math class. When he’s not studying, Schneider likes to pull together a team to play soccer or basketball. Schneider learned how to ride a bike before coming to Grace Village and would like to have one of his own some day. Schneider’s prayer request is that he can continue to learn and finish school.

Schneider came to Healing Haiti in July, 2008. Schneider was abandoned by his mother and his father is unknown.

Birth Info
Birthdate: November 24, 1997
Place of Birth: Delmas, Haiti

It is my hope that one of you will find your heart touched by this child and take up a bit of Christ’s work by sponsoring them for an extended period. My wife and I are sponsoring a pair of sisters and I look at it this way – I only gave up a fast-food dinner each day to change the life of a child. Healing Haiti will do the right things for these children and I have full confidence in their work. I am not affiliated with them, they don’t endorse this blog, nothing like that at all. I just love kids (can’t be Santa and not love children) and know that Grace Village is the difference between life and death for many of these children. Please open your heart and prayerfully reflect on the opportunity God’s giving us to sponsor these children. Some of them have come out of slavery and have some of the toughest lives you could imagine prior to Grace Village.

Just click the link and it will take you directly to the page where you can sponsor this week’s child. And if God is particularly good and that child is sponsored when you get there, please grab another smiling face and change their life instead. My goal is to put Sponsorship Sunday out of business as quickly as possible and take that day off each week. Thank you. God bless you for your generosity.

Some of the finest people you’ll ever meet. The hands and feet of Christ.

Hey, Gang – Let’s All Go and Get Enmeshed in Syria! (Get Off My Side, John McCain)

Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.

It’s time to break the largely apolitical nature of this blog on a repeated basis and let fly with some serious opinion making. I will probably rant for a few days here and there and get it out of my system. I will intersperse the tirades with my usual content – including a contest next week – so subscribe now to win! (Box to the right – hint, hint.)

My apologies to those it bothers. But I see us swirling around the drain as a nation and I’m just the plug to – not a great analogy now that I think about it for a moment. Continue reading

Is That Heresy or Creative Writing?

Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.

First things first: I really need some folks to go over and like my author page. I’m getting killed by my friend Larry W. Timm. Three days and he’s already tied my numbers. I feel so lonely – sniffle. Just click right here and take ten seconds to like the author page. I’ll shut up for at least 24 hours about it if you do it right now.

Now to the meat of this post.

It’s been at least a week since I’ve told one of my patented Apocryphal stories on the blog (*or worn bunny ears*) so it’s time to reveal yet another chapter in my unpublished-but-growing book. It’s entitled “How Stupid is This Guy?” (My mom has pre-ordered ten copies to pass around. She likes things in writing.)

I was at a luncheon the other day for authors and we were talking about the worst thing that ever happened to us at a writers’ conference. I won the contest – and it raised an interesting question: What is the boundary between creative writing and heresy?

At my very first writers’ conference I put in my name to have an appointment with two agents and a publisher. You ranked them by preference and took what you got. You did it weeks before the conference. Looking back on the whole thing I would possibly have been better off if I’d gone to the lobby and had coffee by myself. After sitting with the aforementioned Mr. Timm, both of us covered in flop sweat and jangling nerves, I was ushered in to make my very first “pitch” as an author. And my very first pitch was to a person from one of the biggest publishers in the Christian world – Moody Publishing.

Right there most sensible people would wonder about my sanity. “Couldn’t you start out with an easier target?”

Nope, right into the deep end of the pool. I have never been so poorly prepared, nor so nervous, in speaking to a prospective employer. I should have rehearsed my “pitch” a few more times. When you pitch to an agent, or a publisher, you have between 10 and 15 minutes to sell yourself and what you’ve written. I’m sure the sweaty fat guy in the sports coat was marginal, but when I wound up and threw the book synopsis I missed the strike zone and hit the little child in the wheel chair who was just getting a shaved ice in the balcony seats.

The extremely polite editor kind of tensed and said, “You realize that’s heretical.”

I still don’t think there’s a really good response to that particular question. The writing wasn’t heretical, but my presentation was so bad that it probably sounded like I had moonshiner zombies hanging out with the Apostles. Or, was it heretical?

That’s the question we all confront as Christian authors: Is the story in accord with Scripture? I know that the book was/is in line with Biblical teachings. But it rocked me back on my heels and I put it “in the drawer” until just a month ago. I was too afraid to chase that book and the dream it held because I’d fumbled around and offended an editor. I even found all sorts of support in The Book of Revelation that showed me that what I’d written wasn’t heretical.

But it can be a fine line. It’s a struggle to turn out a work that’s going to make it in the Christian market without dancing near the edge some times. Is the book too violent? Is it too “far out” in its premise? Is it simply unpalatable to Christians?

Perhaps the question is better asked this way: Is the book in service to God? Will it promote His Kingdom? Will it entice the unsaved to at least look more deeply into Christianity? Will it be a good story that’s moral and uplifting?

I’m still struggling with that whole series of questions. For right now I’m just going to have to trust my faith and try to write good stories. My heart won’t let me do something that isn’t in accord with God’s will. And in that, and Jesus, will I trust.

How about you? Is there a moral dilemma that you’re facing right now? Will you place your trust in Jesus and see what he would have you do?

The Bee Gees and Cafe Bustelo: grim mornings and wonderful evenings.

Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page.

I like Cafe Bustelo. Not that I’m a huge fan of instant anything, but for me it is a big plus. I drink it in the morning when I don’t have time to brew coffee. And once again in the evening when I just want a single cup and don’t see the need to brew a whole pot.

Cafe Bustelo is my friend.

It tastes good. There. Enough. and I got a picture and a blog post out of the deal.

Now, if you’re a fan of the Bee Gees read on. If not, thanks for dropping by. Continue reading