Introducing Robert Cely: The Rona

Welcome to the third week of lockdown/blogging. Really?  Yes. Today’s addition, Robert Cely, is another pastor. Yeah, it’s a good thing that we have two of them (Jamie D. Greening and Robert Cely) or this bunch might just do something … Continue reading

Amish Werewolves Of Space – A Book Review

Quiet out there. I know you people are all laughing at my taste in books. But while you’re laughing, I’m enjoying some darned fine science fiction/speculative fiction works which you, with your snoot in the air, will miss.  Now, let’s … Continue reading

How Do You Shred A Man Card?

I need to know pretty soon, because the howling for me to turn mine in will reach a crescendo very soon. Possibly today, more likely once the book review I plan on publishing Thursday hits. The problem is, the darned … Continue reading