[Authors note: This was written months ago, and my wife asked me not to publish it at the time. Not exactly smart to taunt the Devil, and she thought this fell into that category. She was probably right. Read on … Continue reading
Tag Archives: dog
If you read this blog via email, stop right now and go to the blog on the website. There’s a lot of photos and video, and you won’t get the full impact unless you can see the visuals. Thanks. … Continue reading
Many years ago my beloved Old English Sheepdog, Nigel, passed away. It was just a month after 9-11, life was pretty dreary, and the old boy couldn’t make it up and down the back steps any longer. At 90 pounds … Continue reading
There are few creatures in life more suspicious and cautious than animals that have been abused. Doesn’t matter if it’s physical or emotional, they’re not very trusting. Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget … Continue reading
I’m willing to bet a bunch of you turned out to find out about the dog, how Santa did this season, the weather in Minnesota, the writing contest, etc. Nope. Well, sorta. First you have to read my screed about … Continue reading