Today’s blog promotes Assault on Saint Agnes. It also talks about Stormy the Shetland Sheepdog. Hauling gravel, nice sales people, and Sidney Poitier are also included. At the very end we give some stuff away. Or, maybe that’s up front. … Continue reading
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I completely understand that the title of this blog is without meaning in the context of today’s post. So why name it something unrelated? Eh, well, my publisher and publicist/social media person both like Pink Floyd and that song cropped … Continue reading
I’m thinking about asking for a refund on my package deal to be a famous author. Mind you, it’s early on, but I was sure there were more benefits to this and my life would be a much easier trek … Continue reading
Day one of my novel’s release was a complete blessing. I started the day off in a warm bed with a good roof. My loyal dog was guarding the door to my bedroom, keeping an eye on the joint. I … Continue reading
Assault on Saint Agnes goes live around the world today. Audio book is done, just waiting for Audible to post the links and put it up for sale. You’d think my head might swell a bit? Nah. The Church Ladies … Continue reading