Dain bramage kind of day.

I had a first yesterday: I was late for work. 13 years without a late and I popped one! I woke up with 11 minutes to go before my shift started. Probably took a full year off of Stormy’s life when I leapt out of bed and bolted for the stairs.

Boss was understanding, no problem. Quick shower and then in to work. I can take a few hits like that without any problem but it was a point of pride to have never been late for any reason beyond my control. My marathon snow shoveling evidently took a little more out of me than I thought. My body decided that it wanted more time to recover.

It is a problem when you’re about half deaf anyway and then have to wear earplugs to block the smacking of hockey pucks across the street. You sleep right through two very loud alarms. Eh, that’s life.

So I’m taking today light. Maybe some snow blower video for my friends in Haiti later today. Maybe a visit to Steve in the hospital (keep praying for him, he really needs it!) I have to tone back the Haiti stuff for a day, too many people liked it. Don’t want to ruin my track record of consistently mediocre posts.

And, in light of that last statement, perhaps I’ll just watch one of my favorite movies today: The Blues Brothers. Yup, always good for a laugh, only seen it about 75 times. Saw this video today and it sparked me to get the DVD out of the box and ponder spending a few hours laughing at the best stuff of the 70’s and 80’s.

Here’s the video:

Today’ keyword bingo winner is: New Iron Man III trailer. Reminder, these keyword bingo entries are just to drive traffic, nothing to do with the blog.

It’s not just a team, it’s a family.

Our mission to Haiti consisted of 14 people from all walks of life who met through our mutual listenership at KTIS radio. That’s a pretty tenuous link. It’s really thin when you’re headed to one of the poorest places in the world to do mission work.

I’ve been a member of other groups that were thrown together through some mutual interest. The two biggest ones were the police academy and basic training. Neither place would be described as “fun” nor would it be a place to go unless you were really motivated and dedicated. In both places people did a lot of yelling and badgering. You were under the force of discipline in both places. In the Navy they could chuck you into jail if you failed to comply with the standards.

There was no yelling or badgering in Haiti. But there was a strong sense of spiritual leadership that moved the group. A good share of it came from Jeff Gacek, the founder of Healing Haiti. I suspect Jeff would deny that, and say that it’s God leading the way and he just helps out. Perhaps that is how it works. But I witnessed a man with a huge heart for the people of Haiti, and for his missionaries. Jeff gently guided us, he laughed with us, he read scripture with us, and he gave us opportunities to serve and pray for the group.

It wasn’t “my way or the hiway” as some leaders do things. He just opened doors for us. And he had the greatest partner in Becky Nelson, our other leader. Becky is younger than I am but she was like my mom during that trip. Not just because she looks like my mom and is about as tall as my mom, but because she loved us all like we were her children. She was concerned that we had used sun screen, that we had clean water, that we felt well, and that we were emotionally able to deal with all of the things we saw on the trip. Becky is one of those servants that Christ counts on to get His work done on this planet. He’s more than happy to delegate and Becky, just like Jeff, is there to pick up the load.

There are three other leaders that need to be recognized – Jason Sharp, Julene Holt, and Rich Branham. These three members of the KTIS staff were there to help with whatever was needed. The three were inseperable, as was witnessed by their close bond and having to be scolded to sit at least one seat apart at every meal and meeting. I shared a room with Rich and Jason. It was fun. And all three of them were Spirit led in the truest sense of the words. Their quiet concern over the rest of us was a welcome anchor in a time of emotional and spiritual turmoil.

While the leadership was wonderful, it was the people (including the leaders) who chose not to take a vacation to Haiti and see what was in it for them, but to instead love each other and the Haitian people. They did it through service. It was the quiet way in which each task just got done without anyone having to be assigned. The tables got set, the water cooler got filled and put in the vehicle, the pancakes got mixed, and the fruit and vegetables got sliced and plated. And it all was done with a smile on people’s faces. No “dogging it.” No grimaces. No frowns and muttered words. Smiles. Laughter. Love.

Consequently we arrived in Haiti as 14 people on Monday night. By noon on Tuesday we were a functional team, looking out for each other and making sure thing got done. And by Thursday morning, before breakfast, we were a family. I felt the shift when we got up and got moving about that morning. No longer were these people the ones I travelled with across the ocean, but they were my brothers and sisters in Christ. And it showed in our love for each other.

While the police academy produced friends, and basic training produced friends and classmates, Haiti gave me a new family. One that I love dearly. And one that I’m proud of in the extreme. I have nothing but good memories of living with and working with them for those 8 days. And I look forward to seeing them again in the coming years.

I’ve got a picture show below that shows my new family. I’m pretty sure they all appear in at least one of the photos. And if you look at the photos, they are always helping someone else out with a smile. Them’s my peeps.

[fgallery id=2 w=450 h=385 bg=ffffff t=0 title=”Teamwork”]

How many families are you a part of in your life? And what can you do to strengthen that relationship?

Today’ keyword bingo entrant is Whitney Houston. (Just a reminder, the keyword of the day has nothing to do with anything except driving more traffic to this site.)

Carrying the water.

Some of the finest people you’ll ever meet. The hands and feet of Christ.

In American idiom that phrase, carrying the water, indicates you are taking the load for someone, doing the real work – often “on the sly” with no acknowledgement.

****Tons of pictures and more below the fold, may take a second to load**** Continue reading

Some people have nothing better to do than see what a goof I am.

Yesterday I posted this video on my Facebook page.  I wrote the paragraph below. And 38 people went to youtube.com to watch the video.

Several years ago I did a commercial for Best Buy that, um, er, … well, it got exactly 1598 views on youtube if that tells you anything. Let’s just say that they chose not to run with this as a flagship item.

But, as any actor will tell… you – “It’s all good if the check cashes.” And it did. I had to really dig around to find this little gem, but I’d promised the Haiti Mission team that I’d try to post it as part of the ongoing inside joke about the tooth fairy. And here it is for your viewing pleasure!


Now I’m really curious. Would you please click through this link to go watch it on youtube? I’m trying to get a handle on how many people watch these things I put up on the site. When you watch the embedded video it doesn’t tickle the counters.

And in response to your question, no, I’m not embarrased – the check cashed. It as worth doing if for no other reason than to see how much the poor fellow in the Easter Bunny suit was sweating with every take. The fan in the suit couldn’t run because it would destroy our audio. So they baked under the lights with that thing and between each take they had to take the helmet off and drink water/be fanned. Heatstroke was a blink away.

What silly jobs have you taken on “to pay the rent?” What would you be willing to do to earn the money to live? And do you still believe in The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, or The Tooth Fairy?

Today’s bonus keyword bingo entry is: sinkhole.

Enough! Stop it! Oy!

It’s that time of winter – the “I might lose it” point. The point where Minnesotans eye their apple peeler and think, “With just the right motion I could remove enough of my frontal lobe where I won’t care about the snow. Trepanning, yeah – that’s the ticket!”

It will all be better with just a few turns of the handle…

This hasn’t been a “bad” winter in most regards. Not a huge amount of snow. But for those of you in more temperate climates it’s important to note that on Saturday morning it was 9 degrees. That’s the point where you die of exposure in under an hour if you’re just wearing your swimsuit. Which at this moment is not all that far fetched: we all get a little loony around the end of January and start telling ourselves that if we just “think spring” it will make things better. This is the only place I know of that you see people pumping gas into their cars wearing a stocking cap, a down vest, tropical shorts, and Sorel boots. And it’s not uncommon.

This is the main problem:

No longer fluffy. More nasty than nifty.

That is what you get when the snow freezes, melts, freezes, melts, and then freezes again. It’s no longer fluffy. It smells bad. It’s dirty. If you jump into the pile of snow next to your driveway you will get abrasions and broken bones. The stuff is the hardness of concrete. It is the frozen liquid that sank the Titanic. Don’t believe me? High-center your car on a snow bank and plan on replacing your transmission, gas tank, and exhaust.

Even the dogs hate this stuff. My old fellow, Edzell, cannot even lay down on the snow without struggling to get up again. Fall down and break things.

I console myself with the knowledge that I’m escaping for a few days down the road. And then it will only be a few weeks until most of the nightmare is over. Spring can arrive as early as two weeks from now. Or as late as mid May. I’m hoping for March.

I try not to let the “cabin fever” get me. But this year it’s grinding on me.

What provokes a “fever” in you? Is it winter? Is it the rainy season? Is it your boss?

Today’s keyword bingo entry is: sequestration! Notice the world didn’t end with it?