Derek Alan Elkins: Let The Day Perish

Derek isn’t always dark. Or, so I’ve heard. But he does get to the nub of things in today’s piece: Let The Day Perish. As always, go buy his books on Amazon when you’re done reading his piece, they’re at this link. He would appreciate it. 


As always, we thank you for dropping by. A special welcome to the Morons who came from – – you are our people.  We hope you’ll visit the other authors who comprise this collection: Paul Bennett, Robert CelyDerek Elkins, Jamie D. Greening, Kathy Kexel, and Joe Shaw. As always, there’s no fee, we’re doing this to help you pass the time. We do ask that you buy our books/audio books to help pay the freight here. But that’s up to you! Mine are all on the right margin of the blog.

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