The news has been full of cries for diversity and inclusiveness lately. I think about these things as I roam about the planet, and have come to realize there are things you never see but ought to if things were … Continue reading
Tag Archives: norwegian
My wife has made discreet inquiries about getting me some help with my problem. I’m pretty sure there’s no 12 step meeting for people who make jam. I really can’t imagine “Hi, I’m Joe, and I have a problem with … Continue reading
I know, I know – blah, blah, blah. I just figure that you’re like me and need reminding. One more time for the flyer and then some humor (*stolen from my Facebook feed because I’m too lazy to write it … Continue reading
It is always dangerous to prognosticate on terrorism. You run the risk of looking like a dimwit no matter what your prediction is on any prospective attack. It’s almost digital, zeros and ones: you’re right or you’re wrong. Please follow … Continue reading
I’ve been watching the media babble on and off all day about Boston. Here are some observations that I simply must share: Terrorists attending the same high school as Ben Affleck does not mean anything except Ben Affleck went to … Continue reading