For Those Of You Rooting For Rioting…

Shame on you. Same thing for those of you who have taken to social media ranting about “Jesus will judge Darren Wilson, and it won’t be pretty.”

Kudos to those of you posting prayer line numbers in your social media.

Therein lies the difference between stupid and evil versus informed and good.

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No matter what the result of the grand jury’s deliberations, the professional instigators were well prepared with pre-printed signs, stored weapons, and microphones for the bull horns. Some thrive on chaos. They profit from it. And, sadly, they drag well-intentioned dupes in their wake.

Others, who understand that not everything in this life will play out the way you want, sat down to pray. I’d personally asked for brutal cold and a freak blizzard at the time of the announcement. Anything to minimize the damage and loss of life in Ferguson.

One of the most telling things I saw this evening was one of Michael Brown’s cousins being interviewed on cable news. He was opposed to the violence and looting. But as the interview went on, I realized that the judgement of many is clouded with personal feelings. In essence, this man said that he could understand it if Michael had died in the police car while beating the officer and trying to get his gun. But he didn’t understand how Wilson could have shot him after he got out of the car, even if Michael was rushing toward the officer.

Second chances. We don’t always get them in this life. Michael did and he blew it. For whatever reason, he returned the presence of the officer and went at it again. Not my conclusion, but that of the grand jury. That’s why there was no indictment. Michael Brown could have walked away and sought help for his wounds but he chose to go back and confront Darren Wilson. It cost him his life.

I wasn’t there, I claim no insight other than reality: charge a man with a gun who just shot you and you’re liable to die. I’ve known that for decades. Michael learned that vital lesson a bit too late. This applies to men with and without badges. In fact, unless you want to put your life on the table and play for keeps, don’t charge anyone. Ever. It’s the best way.

Pray for Ferguson and other big cities. The pre-printed placards are out across the nation. Don’t let them pull you into violence and destruction. This country has a good record with the ballot box. That’s where the effort should be made. Arson just destroys. Reasoned argument wins out in our system. Work the system. And then pray some more.

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