Derek Alan Elkins: Virus

We’re not short on writing tricks around this bar. Today, Derek brings us one of them there allegory/metaphor/something things. I’m lacking in the formal education that would allow me to accurately categorize the style. But I know it’s a darned fine story. Click this link to read “Virus” and get your dose for the day. Of literature, not virus. 



Robert CelyDerek Elkins, Jamie D. Greening, Kathy Kexel, and Joe Shaw are all now on the masthead. And me. You’re stuck with me. And Monday, we’ll be bringing out another spectacular author: Paul Bennett. That’s Dr. Paul Bennett. As always, there’s no fee, we’re doing this to help you pass the time. We do ask that you buy our books/audio books to help pay the freight here. But that’s up to you! Mine are all on the right margin of the blog.

See you tomorrow for a blast from Joe Shaw as he continues his story from last week.

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