See how easy that was? You read the headline and you know what the review says. (Warning: for the closed minded, Freddy was gay. Not just a little. He kisses guys in the movie. If you can’t live with that, you’re missing out on a great flick.)
Bohemian Rhapsody tells a story about Freddy Mercury and the band Queen.
Is it perfectly accurate? Nope! I actually prefer it that way. Watch the trailer and then resume below.
Neat, eh? Well the whole movie is a series of deftly knit scenes that bring back the music that every kid who listened to top-40 music in the period 1970-1990 knew all the words to without a karaoke screen. Frankly, it’s still some of the best stuff on the “oldies” stations. I am old. Such is life. It’s what we used to call a “popcorn movie.”
The cast is wondeful! Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Joseph Mazzello, Aidan Gillen, Tom Hollander, Allen Leech, and Mike Myers. Each and every performance is entertaining. Not a clinker in the bunch.
For those of you who hadn’t yet been born, or who predate the music of Queen, it’s still a good movie. I am fairly sure the reviews have been horrible because the SJW (Social Justice Warriors) despise the fact that the sexuality of Mercury wasn’t the main focus. For my money, sometimes less is more. If you missed the fact that Freddy died after a long struggle with the fact that he was gay, and the world was terrified of AIDS at that time, you weren’t watching the same movie I was. Not that it’s a direct comparison, but it’s kind of like JAWS. A little shark is better than a lot of shark for getting the point across.
It is safe to say that everyone I know who has seen, and commented on, this movie loved it. I will watch it again when it comes to the internet. But if you’re a Queen fan, get out to the theater now and enjoy it on the big screen. But buy your tickets in advance if you’re smart, as the theater was sold out on the day I went.
Now, get out there and vote.
Oh, and a bonus. It stands (in my mind) as the greatest concert appearance I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I caught it at the time, but it’s something I’ve watched on the tube many times. I present for your viewing enjoyment, Queen at Live Aid in 1985:
My second novel, Nicholas of Haiti, will be available Thanksgiving weekend. Details will be forthcoming, including the cover and synopsis, shortly. Put aside your money for the Kindle, print, and audio book versions. This is not a sequel to Assault on Saint Agnes, but a unique book in the speculative Christian fiction world.
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Brother Joe,
I was never a fan of Queen. In my pre-salvation days I leaned more to the style of the Clash or Cheap Trick. But once I became I believer I began to feel an agape love for radical lost sinners like Freddie Mercury. He was a wonderful, talented human being who was deceived, twisted, and ultimately led down the path of destruction by his own sin, his vain pride and the false promises of Satan. I feel sorry for all the “superstars” who literally “sold their soul for Rock and Roll.” The bubble of fame seems to keep them walled off from those who would share Christ with them. Some, like John Lennon, seem to have eventually recognized the folly of their choice but felt too late and too trapped to change. A few, a very few, but praise God, have repented and been born again. But alas, there is no evidence of a last minute repentance by Freddie Mercury. He often bragged of a desire to go to hell. Sadly, he likely received his wish. And Queen served the devil very well ( …sadly. I wonder, I really wonder, if anyone ever shared Christ with Freddie. Pray and witness for the lost, whoever and wherever they are.