Sorry, Mr. President, But It’s Our Country, Not Your Private Fiefdom.

During the government shutdown the administration has gone out of its way to create the maximum amount of pain possible for the citizenry. It’s a crass political move to make the opposition look bad and get people angry at the … Continue reading

Addicts & Government – Shutdown Day Three

First, let me just express my outrage at the Obama administration for sending the National Park Service to barricade the WWII monument in Washington, D.C. Lest you (and you know who you are) cry out about my intolerance of the … Continue reading

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

It’s almost one year since the murder of four citizens at the annex in Benghazi, Libya. In what has turned out to be a concerted effort to distract everyone from what happened, the feckless administration in Washington and it’s minions … Continue reading

It’s September 10th – again.

For those of you tuning in for a light-hearted post or a restaurant review you’re going to have to wait a day or two. For those of you who would like to read an original short story about what I … Continue reading