Oh. You Were Expecting Content?

Sorry about that, Chief.

I promise to do better this coming week. Fact is, I’ve been sick. For the last month. Not just the sniffles, but the kind of sick that required general anesthetic, surgery, and more oxycodone that I care to admit.

That last part is what makes it a long time with minimal content. I did write some posts. Oh, boy, did I write posts. But when it’s fueled by drugs it’s not just incoherent to the reader, but the author as well upon review. I may publish one of them just so you can laugh. But not now.

I’m much better. I’m almost clear headed. That may be an erroneous opinion due to my inflated ego, but at least most of the drugs are out of my system.

I plan on posting either Friday or Monday.

But I did want to thank you all for dropping by to see what I’ve scribbled. I have been remiss in my job as host, and I know it. So perhaps we will serve up some flash fiction based on the doctor’s appointment scheduled for Thursday. Hopefully that one is pain-killer free. I’m not betting on it at this point.

Be blessed. And come back in the weeks to come for some exciting book news. Yeah, it’s almost that time.


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