Praying Time – And, A Welcome To All The New Readers.

I’d like to welcome all of the readers who have dropped by in response to my post about the VA scandal on Monday. I appreciate your coming back today in hopes of a repeat performance. Indeed, more will be written about the scandal, but today I’m asking for the increased readership to lift up some people in prayer. I’ll babble again on Wednesday or Thursday.

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For now, I’d appreciate it if you’d lift my friend John, his son Micah, and the rest of his family, in prayer. They were handed some pretty tough news yesterday and while I know thousands are already praying (John has lots of friends,) your help is much appreciated. Please throw in a few extra syllables for the doctors and nurses who are caring for Micah.

Next, spend a few minutes praying for the men and women in the VA hospitals, the ones who need to be in the VA hospitals, and the ones who run the hospitals. Let God reach into some of those hard hearts and perform a miracle. Let healing wash over our brothers and sisters.

That is all. Tirades will resume within the next 48 hours.

Glad to have you aboard.

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