It’s Sponsorship Sunday and I’m about all in. 14.5 hour day on the road today – take another hour for boot shining, buckle shining, shower, shave, beard and we’re clocking 15.5 on the ho-ho-ho trail. Consequently, nothing witty or deep but below you will find a simple request for this Christmas.
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If you don’t have a physical gift for someone that you love, or that gift is superfluous (some people just get what they need when they need it and it’s hard to shop for them,) I’d humbly request that you pick a charity from one of the links below and donate as your gift.
Send your loved one a card with a note that you did a bit of God’s work in their name. It sure beats a 24 pound box of peanut brittle. (But if you have a spare 24 pound box, send me an email and I’ll get my address right out to you – love that stuff. Cashew brittle is better… here’s a link for some of that, come to think of it!)
Oh, yeah… Happy Anniversary, Stormy. It’s been one year today. I couldn’t be happier to be your friend.