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I have several Homer Simpson holes in my being. One of the most gaping wounds in my diet is my love for pancakes and waffles. Just ask my mom. Or, you could just survey my cube where a menu for Waffle House graces the book shelves. And a coffee cup from Waffle House is on my writing desk. And I have maple syrup as my blood type.

This picture is from our mission trip to Haiti with Healing Haiti. One of my greatest joys was stepping up to the grill and making pancakes for my fellow hands and feet of Christ. The saying is true – the first pancake, like the oldest child, is a throwaway. But then again, I’m the oldest child and I got to catch the pancakes so it all worked out. I must also admit that I greatly admire a great grill cook (Hi, Francis, Rick, Dave, Jen) and the ballet that happens in front of that heated slab of steel. So this time around I got to play the pancake flipper and enjoyed it more than I should have.

I hope you have a blessed day and may it be filled with pancakes and waffles.

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