Are you leading to your full potential?

Every person reading this blog has their own concept of what leadership consists of in life. For many people leadership is an alien concept. They have only a vague idea of what it means and no experience in exercising leadership. To them, leadership is someone “telling me what to do” or being bullied or unfairly pushed by a supervisor. Every leader is as threatening as Gunny here.

Is this leadership?

Leadership isn’t always the charming style depicted by the good Gunnery Sergeant. There are times where it works well, drives home the lesson, gets one properly motivated, and “seals the deal.” Other times the quiet leadership of doing the right thing every chance you get, of taking the hard road even when it subjects you to failure and scorn. It is the only road open to you and your conscience. Sometimes it’s dying on a cross.

All of those leadership styles are crushed by the other kind of leadership – the nonexistant kind. We are  confronted in our society by the admonition to cut corners, cheat, lie, and fabricate just to get by until the next test. We have “leaders” who really are “defeaters” and nothing else. The ones who will never admit that they can’t possibly make the right things happen (in their lights) and then blame it all on someone else. The ones who through their inaction and defeatism drag down everyone above and below them into the pit of despair. They are the ones who set the bar so low that everyone can cross over it and nobody can excel. These are also the people who stick their head in the sand when problems are brought to them in hopes that the issue will either just vanish or be unnoticed by anyone who actually is in a position to do something about it down the road.

You have to make the choice which camp you will be found in right this minute. Going foreward will you be the one quietly leading by example? Will you do the right thing regardless of the cost? Will you stand up for your people and your company? Or will you say, “I couldn’t possibly change the way things work, nobody cooperates with me when I try.” That’s not leadership, that’s bean counting.

Mirrors are tough critics. Take a look in one today and find the leader. It’s a power we all have inside ourselves. It’s a gift from God. Leading helps others find their way. So whether you’re a father who has children looking to him for guidance, a husband with a wife in need of assurance that the right path is being taken, a boss who has the guts to remedy a problem at work, or a Gunnery Sergeant who has recruits to train you need to be that leader.

Or you might be a wounded warrior who says, “I can’t ask my guys to do what I won’t.”  Sgt. 1st Class Greg Robinson is that man. One flesh leg, one prosthetic leg and all guts. He’s the first graduate of the Army Air Assault course who also happens to be a combat amputee. That’s my kind of leader.

A man above men – a Leader.

Of course if there’s nothing above that inspires you when you need to look to a leader, look to Christ. He made the toughest choice of all. And you are a part of His legacy. Look to God for ways to lead. He’ll provide.


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