I’ve been thinking about suicide a lot lately. Seems that ghosts of the past, present, and future have all conspired to gain my attention.
To those of you reading this (all three of you!) I’d like to beg you to spend some time thinking about this issue as well.
If you are suicidal, quit reading my nonsense and pick up the phone to a suicide hot-line. 1-800-273-8255. You are precious and irreplaceable and … well, suicide truly has never made anything better for anyone.
For those of you who know someone who has been acting out of sorts lately, depressed, distant, dark and moody, etc., find out why. You might really annoy them by asking, but if they kill themselves you will never have the chance to ask or annoy them again. Is your dignity worth more than their life?
You are probably wondering why this is on my mind? Too many people I know have taken their own lives. Too many people I know are in the process of taking their lives and I’m not yet aware of their plight. I wish I was. I’d drop to my knees and start praying for each of them right now. I’d beg them to get help.
Suicide is preventable. It is only a fatal issue if nothing is done to prevent it.
So, pay attention to those around you and make sure that the troubled ones get some help. Sometimes just your asking how they are and probing a bit can bring the darkness to the surface and allow you to help the person. Knock on their door and drag them out to breakfast. Make them be a part of life before death claims them.
If you are in need of help, get it right now. My friends know they can call me for that help. You have a friend that will do that for you. Call 1-800-273-8255 and talk to someone today.
And, for those whom we’ve lost to suicide, our memories are tinged and darkened. We all wish we’d known so that we could have helped. But since there are no time machines available, go and help those in need today.
This is just the time of year people feel most alone and lost-remember the ones who take their lives truly believe the pain will never end. A casual smile may do more than you will ever know for someone who feels disconnected from the world. Smiling is good for you and someone who may just need that extra warmth.