Idiots need not apply.

Because I’ve filled the position.

My day night job is in a technical industry. Most of my coworkers have “limited” social skills. I include myself in this group.

We are nerds, geeks, techies, dweebs etc. in the truest sense of the words.

My first day on the job I walked into the men’s room and immediately knew that I would fit in perfectly. Standing in front of me at a towel dispenser was a 6’2″ man of 40+ years of age bouncing up and down on his toes. His hand was held rigidly out in front of him touching the lever on towel dispenser. I identified with this immediately. After all, who says you have to move your arm to get the paper? Can’t you bounce and just hold your hand still?

Where was I going…Ah, yes. Last night I found myself clacking away on my computer and playing the keys like Victor Borge on a his silliest day. I was typing in time to the song on my speakers and punctuating and pointing at the keyboard as though I was some great performer that the audience was watching. Total nerdout.

And it was fun.  I’m not apologizing. It’s me. And I’m grateful for the gifts God’s given me.

What secret quirks do you revel in? What makes you tic when others toc?

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