So, There I Was At A Book Fair….

Fall Book Harvest 2016

Fall Book Harvest 2016

Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget to subscribe (the box is on the right side of the page) to be eligible for free e-books and other benefits! Oh yeah – grab a copy of Assault on Saint Agnes if you’re of a mind.

I was at the Rain Taxi Book Festival this past weekend. Talked to a lot of book lovers, but it seemed quite a few of them were not thriller types. Nope, they love historicals.

Have I got a fix for them: The Fall Harvest Book Harvest on October 29th. Yes, historicals and the people who write them.

I attended this event last year as a reader. This year I’ll have a table as a writer. I can’t say nobody warned me that I’d have to work for those sales, but I never imagined just how hard that would be some days. This event, thankfully, is just three hours long.

I did a fair amount of Christmas shopping at the last one. It’s a great chance to get books for all those bibliophiles you have on your list. Best of all, it’s all Christian literature – no cursing, largely safe for even the most mild-mannered person you tiptoe around on a regular basis.

I will have discounts available if you buy a couple of copies, or if you’ve purchased books from a few of the other authors at the event. Cross-promotion, dontcha know.

I just noticed that I’ve got that disease that infects people in the public arena: every single paragraph but one starts out with the first person ….

You (there, I fixed it) should come out and meet the authors. Bring cash and credit cards. (I don’t take checks.) and I’ll even pose for bad selfies with you if’n that’s your thang.

Thursday I will throw some hand-grenades right here. So buckle on the Kevlar and come back then.

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Assault on Saint Agnes is now available. Just click this link to find all the options! (I recommend the autographed copy. It’s cheaper than from the big stores, I scribble in it, and you get it mailed within 5 days. We all win.

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