There’s nothing certain in life but Christ.

I’m at the ACFW(American Christian Fiction Writers) conference in Dallas this morning. In just a few hours I’ll be pitching my book to some publishers. Optimistic? Sure. It’s a good book, the publishers do books (so I hear) so it’s a natural match. But it’s not a “gimmee” in any way.

One thing is sure here, God is present. You can feel it in the halls and the meeting rooms. People devoted to Him. He promised that wherever two or more are gathered together He’d be there with them. He’s true to that word. To all His words.

I’ll be with him in that interview. It’s up to him, I’ll do my part, and i’ll be comforted with my back being covered. So, why’s it a gamble? Because He’s with that publisher as well and guarding their interests. Let’s all pray those interests are the same and we get this baby published.

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