Things That Are Purple In Minnesota.

Since it appears that winter will never actually end in Minnesota, I’m just going to go right back to the Santa posts for a while. My Christmas lights will not be unplugged until the last snow vanishes from my backyard. I estimate that will be July 12th this year.

One of the larger things that comes in purple.

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So, the title today came up one night when I was at the Minnesota Vikings Christmas party. The photographer, Steve Palmer, has been taking my picture with The Purple for many years. He does a great job and makes my life easier. Any Santa will tell you that the person behind the camera can set the tone for better or worse. It’s always been good with Steve.

Let’s see, squirrel, shiny object, oh… well, we were discussing things that are purple, including Santa in his suit. We came up with a list that was pretty funny. We amused ourselves in any event.

Without further ado, my highly modified version of the list (not for bad things, but I just don’t remember some of them and don’t want to blame Steve for any of the lame stuff.)


Santa for the Vikings (see picture above)

Prince. (Yes, he still lives here. You’d think with all that money he’d find some place warmer than north nowhere…)

Frostbitten toes.

Barney the Dinosaur (He’s stuck in a snowbank on Lake Street. He does not currently love either you or me, he’s just cold.)

Gooseberry Jam. (Well, that will wait for summer…)

Every other snowmobile jacket in the entire state. Usually with a Vikings Logo on it.

My friend Stanley’s face when you tell him it will snow again tonight.

The prose that blasts from many lips when you tell them we will once again drop below zero this evening.

Dino the dinosaur. (We plan on fracking him later this winter – we’re running out of propane with this cold weather and need all the help we can get.)

My blog. It’s purple with embarrassed shame. I should have written the list down when we were laughing so hard that night. But it seems that there were these children who wanted to see Santa and we had to take pictures.

Besides, I just wanted a reason to put that picture up!

Be warm, my friends. We’ll see spring in just 24 short weeks. Maybe.

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