Sheepdog Update. (Part XXLC)

The Haiti post will appear later today.

I have been laying in bed with my head in the trash can the last 24 hours. But I did have some wonderful hallucinations with the fever and all.  So, Haiti is delayed for a few hours.

But back to the sheepdog – she’s glad to see us. Coming up for snuggles, wagging her tail, making eye contact, being loving and kind. Last night when I first got sick she followed me everywhere, very clearly concerned about me. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me.  Ed remained on the first floor of the house snoozing. I guess he was less concerned.

So the trip to Haiti was a winner in every respect (except the high fever, etc.) My relationship with God grew and I got a bonus dog upgrade. After all, isn’t dog just God spelled backward?

How’s the sheepdog in your life?

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