Change scares people.

My workplace is undergoing a reorganization during the next month. That’s corporate speak for “52 pick up” with jobs.

Some will move here, some will move there, I will be told where to go because I have no seniority. From my vantage point it’s like I’m the mouse in the corner trying not to get crushed while the elephants all trumpet, stomp, and charge around looking for the best place.

I think many of us find our path to salvation a similarly scary one. We certainly dont’ start out with a clear idea of where we will wind up. Our first church, or two, may be a bad fit but it’s a place to be while we grow and learn. After some misadventures along the way we find a comfort zone and then work on our Christian skills in a cozy setting.

But that initial blast of trumpeting and the floor shaking as our world upends is terribly frightening.

Are you at the mouse or the elephant stage in your Christian journey? Can you pick your way through the forest of legs and feet smashing down and find a place to grow on your own? And do you even aspire to be one of the thundering herd, or are you content quietly nibbling on cheese in the corner?

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