Not That Much Lately.

I will never give that answer when asked what I’m up to lately. 

I just finished a new audio book, RAIN by Dana McNeely. It should be coming out for sale on March 8th. It’s pretty danged good. The story is excellent, and my babbling is up there in quality. Links to the recording when Audible posts them.

Our devotional, REASONED RESILIENCY: A RATIONAL DEVOTIONAL FOR FIRST RESPONDERS is getting praise all over the place.

Here’s one video review by Brock Bevell, that Rodger and I really liked:

So, here’s the good news:  Rodger and I are producing an audio book version of the devotional. I have about 2/3 of it recorded, and we hope to have it available in early April, if not sooner. And, yes, I am finding mistakes that I missed before when I read it out loud. Such is life.

Now, out to the tree farm to water the plantains and mangoes!



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Joseph Courtemanche

About Joseph Courtemanche

I'm a conservative Christian author who's been happily married for over 30 years. I am a Veteran of the United States Navy, Naval Security Group. I speak a few languages, I have an absurd sense of humor and I'm proud to be an American.

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