For pity’s sake, it’s snowing.

I’m not quite ready to throw in the towel on Fall. I just got home from work and I’m wearing my shorts, a short-sleeved shirt, sandals, and a stocking cap (the fat head gets cold easily, even in Summer.)

I walked out of the building at 05:01 and it had that amazing smell you get when the first snow is coming. It still has a hint of falling leaves, but there’s a crisp edge to it that you only get when snow is in the air. It’s nothing like opening a freezer and taking a whiff. Once you’ve smelled it, you’ll never forget it.

I wasn’t too pleased when the little white devils swirled out of the night and covered my windshield on the way to the freeway. The thermostat on my car kept dropping as I got closer to home. It was right at 34 degrees when I pulled into the garage.

So, this morning instead of sitting on the steps with the dogs, I turned on the furnace. It’s cold in here.

I wish you a warm and wonderful day wherever you are.

And, here’s a little taste of what’s to come. (I’m six feet tall. Do the math!)

Winter Wonderland my...That sign sticking up out of the snow is about 4 stories tall.


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For pity’s sake, it’s snowing. — 1 Comment

  1. I know that smell!! In the late fall and early winter, very early in the morning on the weekends, I will make coffee and crack the sliding glass door, snuggle into a fuzzy blanket with my nose to the crack and just breathe it in. I LOVE that smell! You describe it perfectly!