Wisdom on Veterans Day.

I found this link via the outstanding blog at Blackfive (http://www.blackfive.net)

If you don’t read Blackfive, why not?  Start today.  It’s worth the trip.

Go take a look at how this one man’s service left his perspective slightly different than most civilians.  I served in the Navy, not the Marines.  But I recognize the feeling.  It never completely goes away.

Happy day to all my fellow Vets.  Especially my wife, Kip, who is the most important person I know. And, special thanks who went before me to lead the way and those who came after me to pick up the torch. My eternal gratitude to my brothers and sisters who have fallen along the way. Your payment keeps us free.

So, toddle over and read the article:


Happy Birthday, Marines.

Happy Birthday, Marines.  Dad – don’t know if you read blogs up there, but Happy Birthday to you, and Harry and all the other Leathernecks guarding the streets.

My life has been blessed by knowing Marines, starting with my father, Oliver.

So, to all my friends around the world serving in the U.S.M.C. I hope you are having a blessed day.  You’ve earned it by your service.