Friday was much like 9/11 for me: it was expected. France has been a seething cesspool of jihadist scum for years. Our media has blithely ignored the atrocities there, describing marauding bands of Arab youth as “urban youth.” Islamic types … Continue reading
Tag Archives: nazi
I’m a history buff. Love to read about historical monsters and evil regimes in particular. The “they almost won” moments make me glad that good triumphed over evil. Because evil is very powerful and seductive, it’s often been a very … Continue reading
Andreas blinked and then twitched as the white-hot nails were driven into his skull. Shrieking in agony he said, “Wait, I just committed suicide. I don’t belong here!” Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t … Continue reading
There is a misconception in America among many Christians, especially my fellow evangelicals: we are a persecuted church. I beg to differ, and I hope you get your act together quickly. But first, a graphic: Please follow me on Twitter, … Continue reading