I hope that got your attention. I’m starting this blog on the 21st around 1800. I’ve just finished my half of a book I am writing with my friend Rodger Ruge. Maybe writing isn’t the correct term at this point, … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2022
Today I was taken to task for being angry by a long-time friend because I related a story rooted in reality. They wanted to know when I became so angry. Well, I deleted their comment. Hey, it’s my timeline and … Continue reading
I had only ever had one name for my cars until 2004: Agmobile. College nickname was AGZO, so the car was nicknamed the Agmobile by my brother who is now Dr. Courtemanche. That all changed with my red Ford Explorer … Continue reading
Honest, I have two things to post, but time and brain damage prevent that until Friday. Hopefully sooner, but hang in there, there is a post coming this week. Oy, such a load of blessings that I can’t keep up … Continue reading
Right about the time my running shoes logged mile 12 on Monday the 3rd of October, I met Dave. He was hard to spot, hidden at the end of the carport and screened from easy view by a pile of … Continue reading