Today I’m meeting with a marketing professional to get some highly paid advice concerning a series of inventions I have, and how to get them out in the marketplace. It dawned on me, as I was contemplating this, that I’m … Continue reading
Tag Archives: writing
For those of you who have been along on this ride for a while, the next line is redundant. For the newcomers, it is safe to say that I have a busy life. In the past 17 days I signed … Continue reading
Periodically I figure I should give you some updates on how my life is going. Then I remember that’s pretty much all this blog is, and my sense of vanity diminishes just a bit. Nonetheless, there are a few things … Continue reading
That’s cool. I like being one as well. It’s fun. First novel coming out in one month and two days. This month I’ve got to: 1. Go pick up first run at publisher. (My choice. I’d rather take the day … Continue reading
Part of the process for selling a book is not writing any new ones. So it seems as I sit here on a night where nothing new has left the keyboard in about 20 days. Except edits. And applications for … Continue reading