Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit.

Posting will be light the next few days. I’m 1/2 of the way through another edit of the book (with a new title as yet to be announced) so that it can get into the contests next week.

I’m not married to this darned thing, I’m sort of enslaved to it for the short term. But like all previous revisions after it’s marinated for a while, this one is much better. A helpful publisher aimed me in the direction of a book on self-editing when they rejected me (in a very nice way) a few months ago. That book is right on the money. I think I was guilty of every sin they mentioned in their work. Glad the publisher was honest enough to say I needed it!

So, I’ll probably do some dog photos or something to stretch the page out a bit. Here’s one to keep you amused.  She’s gone but not forgotten. Have a great day.

My old girl.

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