23 Precisely – Part II

We will shortly continue with the story, but a bit of politics first. If you are voting early, you probably fall into one of two categories: the hopeless party hack (on either side) who would vote for Satan’s dog if … Continue reading

23 Precisely

Some of you wonder where I get my ideas when I write. The short answer is a very strange mind. Today I was inspired by another fellow with an equally strange mind. I hope you enjoy this flash fiction. It … Continue reading

Christian Arts Festival: Upper Midwest Must Do! @ACMArtsFestival Share This On Facebook & Twitter

There is a point in blogging where you have to stop and smell the shill. If you spend all of your time talking about your movie, audio book, novel, magazine article, and home-health care sanitary wipe line, you lose your … Continue reading

And Now, For Something Completely Different…

Many of you read the recent review of my friend Brandy Vallance‘s book, Within the Veil. I’ve known her for more than a year or three, and have had some great conversations with her on chat sessions, the phone, and … Continue reading

Wondering How I’m Doing? Didn’t Think So.

Periodically I figure I should give you some updates on how my life is going. Then I remember that’s pretty much all this blog is, and my sense of vanity diminishes just a bit. Nonetheless, there are a few things … Continue reading