It appears that there are a substantial number of discerning readers out there who visit this site on a regular basis. Or, a lot of robots and web spiders that index the page hundreds of times a day. I’m leaning toward the middle. All the statistics gathering tools say something different. But my web provider says that over 2,000,000 people have visited the site since I first started babbling on the internet. Good timing that, as this week has some exciting things to deal with: links to buying Assault on Saint Agnes as an ebook, paperback, and best of all AUTOGRAPHED COPIES.
Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget to subscribe (the box is on the right side of the page) to be eligible for free e-books and other benefits!
Why are autographed copies such a big deal? Because you get to see just how horrible my handwriting is, and I make a lot more money on those copies. You actually pay less than you would buying it on a major retailer’s website, but since I foolishly sank money into buying an Explorer load full of books, I get a better margin on each copy. Then again, if you all hate the book, I have lots of fuel for that firepit come October.
All the links will be up by Friday. Official sales go out on April 18, 2016. Autographed copies will start mailing out next week some time. So, Mom: get your checkbook out. That goes for my cousin Jackie as well. There. That covers both of my faithful readers.
Don’t worry about missing the links: I will be standing on the roof trumpeting about them.
Now, back to the 2,000,000th visitor and the prize for that auspicious occasion. I will randomly select a comment – it will be the seventh one posted in response to this blog, and they will be the winner. Yes, that’s how I will do it, because I’m too stingy to use Rafflecopter.
What will they win? I’m starting with an autographed copy of the book. And an invitation to a party that I’m holding to entice nice things being said by book store owners, editors, reviewers, and my friends that have had to listen to me babble about this for years. It’s being held in a very cool venue, it will be great fun, and the company will be interesting. In addition, there will likely be an autographed picture of Stormy, the Wonder Sheltie. Maybe not. Maybe a chance to be a beta reader on the prequel. Maybe not. But definitely a White Castle gift card, because that’s how I roll.
In any event, hit that comment section. Seventh comment (by the timestamp that applies automatically) will be the winner!
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I have a favor to ask of my readers: would you kindly share this blog with your friends, family, and colleagues? Just hit the Facebook like button, share it on your timeline, tweet the blog with a link, and tell that person at the next desk that there’s this lunatic who writes about all sorts of stuff that they might like.
Dibs on a beta reader for the sequel spot.