Say a prayer for me today.

Big day for me, professionally.  Thought I’d take a little break from Bobby, Omar, Mustapha, Brian, Colene, and Jeff and let you know what’s going on with my writing life.

I started writing  my first book less than two years ago.  I wrote  it for my wife for a birthday present. I had a story I simply needed to tell someone. I was moved by events in my life and the lives of those around me, and I really feel that it was inspired by God.

Well, days went by, weeks went by, and the book I started in May of 2010 was completed in November of 2010.  I printed up a bunch of copies and had friends critique the book.  Got the commentary and did a revision.  Printed that, handed them out to different people and did another revision.  I was ready to do something with it based on the feedback. People actually liked the book. Wanted more. Cared about the characters.

So, I went to a writer’s conference in Saint Louis, the American Christian Fiction Writers, and pitched the book to agents and publishers.

Did you hear the thud?  Yeah, I pitched it very poorly. I highlighted the wierdest part of the book and a great story got lost in the midst of my fumbling about.  I was simply not ready to take that step. Live and learn.

The bright side was very bright, however. I took the criticism in hand, and after a beautiful colleague (Anne Baxter) inspired me with an alternative ending, I rewrote the last part of the book. It works now, and is sitting on “the shelf” waiting to be pitched again.

The other plus was that the two agents I met at the conference (no names just yet) were both were kind souls.  I was asked about what else I was writing and threw out the book I’m working on right now.  Sort of a “Vince Flynn meets Billy Graham” novel.

Both expressed interest.  One said to send a copy of the book when it’s done. The other wanted pages right away.  I begged off, asked for time to work on it, as it was still pretty raw. He was gracious enough to wait until Santa season was over, as I knew I’d be getting little done until the new year.

Well, it’s the new year.  For the last week my wife has been editing the book and I’ve been writing new material. It’s good. It’s really good.  I’m having fun writing and she’s having fun reading. It’s pretty much exactly what I wanted to write next. The first book was inspired, this book was guided.

And today is the day we finish up polishing the work that is done so far. Tomorrow it get’s printed and shipped off to the agent who wants to see what I have in hand. It’s not “done” yet, still have to write the conclusion. But it’s representative of what he could expect from me as an author. I’m proud of the work. I think it will open doors.

But that’s where the prayer comes in. Please pray to bless this endeavour. Pray for me to have wisdom and wit. Pray for me to follow God’s will and not mine. Pray for an open mind when Joel opens the package.

Thank you.  I can always use more prayer


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