It’s been a while since I committed professional suicide. I’m overdue. I say that because I am a professional actor by all definitions. I’ve been in motion pictures (that’s me in the background, actually got paid once…,) television commercials, radio … Continue reading
Tag Archives: commercials
I’m sure you’re aware of the old expression “When it rains, it pours.” If not, that’s been my day for the last 48 hours. I have not taken so many phone calls, and had so many urgent emails in years. … Continue reading
There are some tales that are so profoundly confusing that they beggar the imagination. You stand in the midst of them and wonder how you got there, and then you wonder if there really is a way out of the … Continue reading
Let me tell you a tale. Several tales. My wife and I dont’ believe in coincidences. My friend Tracy Griffin calles them “Godincidences” and I think I’ll just keep on stealing that expression. I do voice over work for radio … Continue reading