Wind It Up. Last 2016 Friday Christmas Music Video Selection

Week #4.

Every year I try to bulk up the Fridays with some music videos that might have escaped your attention. Some are repeats of previous years (love them) and some are new.

So, turn down the speakers on your desk at work, and get busy wasting corporate bandwidth!

Seriously, I’m glad you’re here. It gives me a chance to thank you for reading this month. I know it’s been sparse, but 36 Santa events in 25 days will do that to a guy’s writing time.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Now, let’s clear out the last of the videos I have hidden in my browser cache.

Keith Richards cranking out Run Rudolph Run. What are we going to do when he dies. Thank God it appears we have decades left to figure it out….

Strap that belt tight: it’s going to rocket all over. Next up, Johnny Cash with I’ll Be Home For Christmas.

Elvis. It isn’t Christmas without the King. Merry Christmas Baby

James Brown calling Santa out to the ghetto. . . Santa Claus Go Straight To The Ghetto

Luther. What can you say about Luther Vandross except Wunderbar! Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.

Back to The Temptations with Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Now it’s time for Stevie Wonder and Someday At Christmas. He rocked the world!

Otis! My main man. Otis Redding with Merry Christmas Baby.

Juxtaposition time! Waylon Jennings singing Away In The Manger.

Just isn’t Christmas without Ferlin Husky doing Silent Night

Now, lest you despair, the current trend ends soon, but had to include Tom T. Hall with O’ Christmas Tree

Dolly. She’s a Christmas ornament all by herself. Listen to her sing Go Tell It On The Mountain.

Carrie Underwood was partly responsible for me becoming a Christian. Yes, this song, Jesus Take The Wheel, talked to me. Thank you, Carrie.

Michael Buble & Shania Twain rock it with this lovely duet, White Christmas

Finally, my favorite Christmas tune from my favorite Christmas album – the one in the CD player in the sleigh – Twisted Sister with I’ll Be Home For Christmas.

Now go and love each other – for that is the greatest of the commandments.

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Assault on Saint Agnes is now available. Just click this link to find all the options! (I recommend the autographed copy. It’s cheaper than from the big stores, I scribble in it, and you get it mailed within 5 days. We all win.

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