Day Five – Nah, September 11th.

I broke the fast on the 10th. My body wasn’t having any more of it and I needed calories to get through my challenges. I’m still praying, will pick up the fast in a few days, but needed physical strength to go with the prayer. I was never cut out to be a monk – but I do look the part.

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Today marks a day in our history that many will describe as tragic, a terrible incident, and a day of great sadness.

I’d like to think of it as a day of rage. Rage that barbarians from the 7th century came to my homeland in larger than usual numbers and slaughtered my countrymen in an act of war. Rage that our political class is so quick to abandon the drive to exterminate the threat. Rage that we are more politically correct than prepared.



For those that say Islam is not about these barbaric acts, and that ISIS is not Islam, (yes, you Mr. President) I’d like to give you one book to read. The Quran. Read it and the commands to the faithful to pursue the growth of the religion at the tip of the sword. The statements that infidels do not deserve to live. Not to befriend infidels. Not to tolerate them in the midst of good Muslims. It’s in their own book. It’s in plain view. If you deny these facts you are a fool. And the next victim.

Today may, or may not, bring large attacks against this nation. But they will resume in the near future. I was listening to a talking head on Wednesday who spouted the line that we’d had no foreign attacks on our soil during the past 13 years. Really. Fort Hood? Times Square? The Underwear Bomber? And the list goes on. If you are attacking the United States on behalf of Islam, you count. I don’t think it’s work place violence.

What shall we do to prevent it next time? Darned good question. One thing I know is that being tolerant of our enemies in our midst is not the answer. This does not mean that you should run to the nearest Arab restaurant and break their windows. Let’s be honest: most Muslims are like most Christians in that they follow some tenets of the faith but aren’t members of the hard core. The average guy who came here from Lebanon thirty years ago isn’t building bombs in his basement.

But others are here to wreck and destroy. We can’t fight them if we cover up their activity and ignore the radicals. David Cameron had that part of the equation right in his speech last week. We should not tolerate those who would kill us in our midst. It is time for the government to get serious about protecting our borders. We have no clue who’s coming in at this point.

But they are here. They are here in large numbers. They are in your city, your state, your children go to school with their children. And unless we wake up to the threat, another day in the near future will replace September 11th, 2001 as the worst day in our history.

I can promise you that without a single doubt in my soul.

Pray, America. Pray for courage, guidance from above, and strength. This war has been going on for 1400 years and it didn’t end just because we killed Bin Laden.

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