Friday, Uplifting Friday.

A week ago I asked for you to pray for some friends of mine. Top of the list was David. Boy, are you guys good.

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Over the course of the last week David got worse. Every day. Until he didn’t. They were at the “What kind of service should we have Saturday?” stage of things. Yes, that bad. And then the prayer network got storming. Gigabit storming.

Today he’s still in an induced coma. But he’s breathing. He’s making progress, he’s healing. I would appreciate it if you all would keep up the prayers for a while, I’d like to meet him in person one of these days. We’re Facebook friends.

Funny that being friends through social media is any less valuable than knowing what they smell like allows. That’s about the only thing I can see that’s different. Yet it seems that people look down on that relationship. I’m thrilled with it in this case. I’ve seen people I’ve never met join together in prayer on that Facebook string. Praising God, pleading with God, talking to God.

There’s a place in our social media lives for evangelism. If we do it right, others will open up a bit to God. It has to be by example, not demand.

I’m going to fall asleep tonight knowing that miracles happen in our era. They’re not just biblical events. They happen in hospitals in Atlanta in 2014. Prayer played a major role in it from what I can see.

Keep praying – it’s working.

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