My first book. Really. And I forget sometimes.

I’ve written two novels now, and have a few more in progress. But what I often forget is that I’d already written two books years ago. Children’s books. No gun-play, no terrorists, no alcoholism, no nada.

I don’t know why that never creeps into my feeble little brain, as they’re very nice books.

Yesterday it smashed right through the every day world and screamed at me! Lauren, the gifted young artist I work with on the book, has finished the cover. And, she came up with a great title. Mine was a bit feeble. You can follow her here: Lauren Mattson.

So, ready for the unveil?  It’s below the fold. I’m as excited about this as I was about the novels. (Really!  This is way more fun and way more beautiful.)

The cover of my children's book.


Thank you, Lauren. It’s beautiful.

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My first book. Really. And I forget sometimes. — 1 Comment

  1. I am really enjoying your blog, Joe. I feel sad that the aquariums had to go. We enjoyed watching the fish when we visited your apartment in Eagan. They had such personalities. But the basement isn’t the place for them.
    I love the desk that you are using after all these years. All the furniture you bought in Spain is beautiful.
    Keep up the interesting blog!