A Ray Of Hope

During the last 20 years I have often been disappointed by the body politic. It is my firm opinion that Barrack Hussein Obama fomented the decline of civility in our nation with an ever-increasing emphasis on racial issues, and the beginning of criminal harassment of conservatives and Christians. His employment of the IRS to hound nonprofits and churches was abhorrent, as was his invocation of Obama care to force nuns to pay for abortion drugs. This is not heresay, it’s fact. I know Christian leaders who were victims of this statist policy personally. The nuns? They eventually won in court, but the fact that it was needed is tragic. 

In the last ten days my hope for the nation, and a healing and revolution against the ever-growing state organs, has been possible. More and more black voices, brown voices, and other minorities have come out against the arrogant rule of terror proposed by swine like Merrick Garland. He’s the current AG who held a press conference this past week hinting that if you question the results of the upcoming elections you will be investigated and gulaged by the state, much like the people who attended a protest at the capitol on January 6th. If you are unaware of it, many were arrested and held in prolonged confinement based solely on their presence. At most, the vast majority of those imprisoned were guilty of trespass, a misdemeanor. 

The coalition with Robert F. Kennedy and the endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard are additional bright spots in the heavens. I have not been a fan of RFK in general, but thought he’d had some darned good points on select issues. As to Tulsi Gabbard, I’ve respected her service and firm stance on many positions. She’s more liberal than I like, but damnit, she’s got principles.

Both Kennedy and Gabbard came aboard because they can see that the machinery of the deep state is going to try and steal this election and reduce our rights. If you have any doubts about this, merely read (or watch) the statements of Kamala Harris during the past 10 years. Her views are not liberal: they are Marxism pure and simple. Her running mate has spent more time in China than anyone but an acolyte would. His students on those trips have stated he’s a fan of Mao. Mao Tse Tung, perhaps the most prolific serial killer in human history. He makes Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot look like Girl Scouts selling cookies. He may not have personally gassed anyone, but his policies led to widespread famine that merely highlighted the persecution of dissidents by the state police. That, boys and girls, usually ended in death.

Before you mail in that ballot, you need to see who all of these people really are. Read news sources that make you unhappy. Read their platforms (Kamala has none, so don’t bother.) Then, throw away the brainwashing you’ve endured and vote for the people who really want to help the country. Hint: they are the ones not gaining from the office. Oh, that would be Donald Trump, who the democrats have tried to punish for running by threatening him with prison on a wide variety of bogus charges. 

Now, you need to think hard and go vote. Encourage your friends and neighbors to vote as well. Sitting back and saying “A pox on both of their houses” really translates to a pox on your house. Grow a set and vote. Declare your willingness to stand for our nation. 

If you read this blog going back to 2015 you will see that I have questioned President Trump more than once or twice or a bunch of times. But it is clear to me that not voting for Trump, and either sitting it out or voting for Harris will result in the end of our republic. Remember, we have a republic for a reason: democracy means that if two people want to take your car you have to give it to them, for they are the majority. Republics think things through and value individual rights at a level democracies do not.

Be a patriot: Vote Trump. It’s in your best interests regardless of your station in society. And remember that you’re voting for the guy representing you in the international arena, not your pastor. Donald J. Trump isn’t a saint, but he’s a damned good guardian of our rights. 

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